Just bought #8 ( and resold it to a friend already) and got offered a FREE '74 flourescent green Gremlin from an Eagle owner, some guy and his skinhead kid were sick of it, so they just wanted it gone, and the 'Eagle guy isn't interested, either. SO, I'll get another one. LOL #8 is a '72, medium blue car, sport interior package and ralley rims, but plain exterior. 232/auto, pop-out side window option, cool! Body, coming from the Eastern shore/river area, is virtually rustfree, hole-wise. It has some surface rust. Thanks to Pat, this car will find a home! #9 is a '74 car, kids were messing with it, trying to fix it up, some motor work done. rust in teh doors and top of one fender, but otherwise the guy said it's decent. Hey, for free....what isn't???? Also, Gremlin #9 owner/holder said a local salvage yard had an orange Gremlin in the yard, 74-76 vintage, they were trying to get it started, so they may resell it, instead of putting it in the yard. I told him to get more info, as he knows the guys there pretty good, he's a frequent visitor/buyer. I pity you po' Gremlin hunters elsewhere, man the hunting has been just TOO good lately in Virginia! LOL. Now I REALLY have to get rid of that '76 Matador sedan, it's taking up spaces for TWO Gremlins. Hopefully someone will buy it, otherwise, it's a junker after I pull the motor. Well, that's all for now, haven't had time to set up the Cecil folder for Gremlin pics yet. Got a dead truck, needing tires/inspection/starter, etc, and work overload, so it's just crazy here. I have to drive the Gremlin to work ( poor me! ). No A/C, but lots of stares. Catch ya later, Jerry