Well, the Insurance company is still writing the estimates , so it won't be until at least Monday before I hear back. So, I can't make any permanent repairs yet, I'll just have to take the suggestion to put a tarp or other temp shielding over the afffected area until the settlement has been reached. At least this way, I won't have to waste half my weekend working on it! I have a driveway full of "stuff" that needs my attention as well, it's been all choked up with ex-job freebies that I need to sort and store, so I"ll probably go buy a big tarp, get it installed and tied or nailed down, then spend the rest of the day working on my driveway, and maybe find some time to tinker with the GT or the sunroofer today as well. Tomorrow will be rainy, so I need to make some progress today! And lots of it! I also have one of Brian's friends cars in my front driveway, he needed a new trans gasket, and the parts place gave him the wrong one last nite, so he'll be working on it today. Brian did make it home Thursday by bus, no worse for the wear except he left his bag on one of the buses, and it had his GED certificate in it. He's going to file a claim on it with the Greyhound company. Maybe it'll turn up somewhere. :) Oh well, at least he's home, Mom was worried about him. Hopefully his punishment won't be too bad from the courts. Well, 'nough said, I've had breakfast, time for some bean juice ( coffee) and then think about getting some stuff done today. AMC ya! thanks for thinking of me, Jerry in Virginia ( still has a '76 Gremlin shell project up for adoption)