This is Gary from snowy Cleveland again. It's difficult to describe the sbc motor mounts because your application will differ depending on whether your Gremmi is an original V-8 (like mine) or a 6-cyl. The front crossmember is different, the metal brackets that the rubber mounts bolt to are welded at a different angle and in a different location (not much, but just enough to cause a headache). The key to this is to make the rear tranny mount first ( Oh yea, remember to use a Delco Distributor when mocking this up). Clearance at the firewall is the only real bitch (unless your not going to drive this on the street). It took much trial and error to get a distributor / wiper motor combination to work in order to pass a safety inspection here in Ohio. I found an old Mallory dual point distributor (converted to electronic ignition) to be the solution in my case. As for the front motor mounts, I used the rubber AMC V-8 mounts and made a steel adapter to bolt it directly to the engine. Keep the engine level from side to side and set about a 5 degree downward angle from the front of the engine to the rear of the tranny (along the crankshaft axis) and that will eliminate any driveshaft angle problem. I had to make the templates for the steel adapters out of cardboard and take the pieces to a fabricator as there are no kits for this swap unless you want one of those dumb looking flat plates bolted to the front of your engine. Hope this helps, Gary 'The Mix'