Ok, if you go to this website : http://www.showcars-bodyparts.com/amc.html They list fiberglass fenders for Gremlins, as well as other parts. Finding a good rust-free fender for a Gremlin won't be easy nowadays, several of mine have rust in the top as well ( the '72 sunroof looks like swiss cheese on top, otherwise ok elsewhere ), but I plan on fiberglass repairing that one. As far as the panel in front of the rear wheel, behind the door...that may be the rocker panel you're talking about, and that is also listed on this website, for $25 ( the fender is MUCH higher, lol! ). I'd see about ordering one thru this place first, but I've never used them, so zero about them, really. They even list fiberglass bumpers, spoilers, etc for the Gremlins! Anyway, there's my input. Hope it helps. Jerry