If any one knows of a steering wheel in red & good condition for a '74 Gremlin, I'm looking for one for my husband for Christmas. He's working on restoring a '74 and almost has it finished. We've had a hard time finding parts but found pretty much everything we needed. Alot of the parts had to be repainted & redyed to match the red that he was wanting but we've almost got the car done. He's wanting it done by his 25th class reunion in November. Anyway, as we were installing the new carpeting yesterday, I noticed the steering wheel wasn't original. Norbert said that in our hunt for parts he'd forgotten about an original steering wheel. I've pretty much exhausted my search in the Wichita, Ks (we've only found 4) area salvage yards so I can use any help I can get. Especially since the steering wheel is one thing that probably cannot be dyed or painted. Also, about the contraversy about Gremlins being for losers. If you really think that Gremlins are for losers, you should have seen my husband's original '70 Gremlin with it's wide tires, nice rims, pin stripes & jacked up in the back. It was pretty hot looking. At least until his wife drove it to work & rolled it 1 1/2 times. Fortunately, he kept the wife & let insurance have the car. He even forgave me (eventually) for totalling his car & we're still together 22 years later. Karla Dick