I found quite a bit of literature relating to Pacers ( old Hot Rod mags with 401 Pacer conversions,V-8 conversions, etc ), also found several Gremlin gas caps ( stant locking type, cheap! ), and other lit. Didn't see any Pacers or Gremlins in the car corral, but I heard Brian Moyer was there with one of his nice Gremlins, but he was sick and might not have been at the flea today. Never did find where he was parked at, anyway. Had a great day with Tom O'hara, though, we're both worn out from walking! Here's my list of acquistions. -73-74 Hornet hatchback Factory B&W photos -'66 Rambler Factory B&W photos -2 gas caps, locking stant type -15+ magazines -Collision Guide -Chilton's Emissions diagrams ( free! ) -70 AMC Owners papers minus manual -a bunch of AMC patches, various types -a bunch of AMC hat-pints, various types including Nash and Hudson -A bunch of AMC underhood stickers of various types. -9 sets of aftermarket AMC mudflaps with the AMC logo on them , both black AND white ( WHITE mudflaps?) -78 AMC owners manual -Rambler COllision parts guide, '50 to '60 -2 paint chip books, one complete, one partial ( both with AMC chips ) -2 Desoto hubcaps ( for torturing a fellow orphan "friend"...LOL ) -2 repro antique horn rubber aqueeze bulbs -a couple tune-up guides, free -75-76 Pacer Chilton's So, all in all, not a bad day! Tom got one of those nice AMC dealership artwork posters, a remote Javelin mirror, and something else. It was his first ever trip to Hershey, he was impressed! And happy on his acquistions. We saw a trio of AMCs at a bodyshop on the way in in the morning, a blue Pacer coupe, a SX/4, and a Hornet hatchback. Didn't go back that way on the way out, so didn't see them again. A long day, time to hit the hay, got another trip on Saturday Jerry ( Hershey flea survivor ) [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]