Well, the wedding went off ok, but not without problems. We were JUST starting to get the ceremony underway, when it started to rain. Argh! Had to rush the crowd indoors, get the cake out of the rain, etc. Had to get the DJ's music equipment under cover, too. We got it done, had the ceremony in the largest main room, the Ball Room , of my aunt's mansion. My fiancee got to sing her song, we got wed by the Magistrate, and the party began. Whew! It was non-stop hussling for awhile! I had spent up to the last hour doing last minute grounds cleanup and preparations, greeted some guests in just shorts and boots and all sweaty, LOL! And all our outdoor preparations went for naught, unfortunately. We did have two large tents set up, just for this possibility, so they did get used to eat under, as there wasn't much room inside. That part was great. My wife's mother and father were together in the same place for the first time in 20 years, after a family split-up years ago, and they were civil, so Barbara was very happy to have her entire family including brothers and sister together in one place for the first time in 20 years! Unfortunately, I wasn't so lucky, some of my family couldn't make it, AND I found out later one of my other Aunts was black-listed and forbidden to show up ( behind my back ), probably by my Aunt who was hosting my wedding. I am NOT happy! My parents and the unwanted "Aunt" have some bad history from the past, and I will need to try to rectify this once and for all, if possible. My cousins didn't show because their mother was told if she showed up, she might be arrested! I am LIVID! I know she was a real pain, and a snotty person, but even so, she's blood, and I don't think she should have been treated like that, even to spare my parents some pain. While this hasn't ruined my wedding, it has soured the occasion somewhat for me. Even so, we are happily wed, and while tired ( and I'm sick and staying home today, running a fever ), we are glad we are married now, and it's all over ( except the aftershocks, grr! ). Hope everyone else had a good weekend! Jerry ( with a new gold band ) in Virginia...