Re: Gremlin "phobia"...sorry, Bob, didn't know it was a legal disease!
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Re: Gremlin "phobia"...sorry, Bob, didn't know it was a legal disease!

 True, there are things people are irrationally afraid of ( even 
rationally! ), and I wouldn't poke fun at anyone who has a legit 
problem....but I can't say that being afraid of a particular car model is a 
basis for a legitmate disease! Does Freddie feel that way about EVERY car? If 
so, why did he have five Gremlins to begin with??? It's legitimate to believe 
he's afraid of dying in a car fire...but if it's just because he saw ONE case 
litigated of a Gremlin, then it's entirely irrational, and bogus. I don't see 
any mass sell-off of Ford Explorers due to tires blowing or roll-overs, or 
those Audis with "sudden acceleration" problems. Do you avoid those vehicles 
on the road by pulling over when you see one pull along side you on the 
Interstate? THAT is PHOBIA! Obviously some people prefer to walk the safe 
route in ANY situation, and avoid all potential risk....more power to them. 
Others, like myself, will assess the risks, take what necessary precautions 
we feel are necessary, and proceed on. If Freddie has given up ALL motorized 
transportation, then I apologize for not realizing he's as sick as he is, and 
will retract my statements, as I won't make fun of a sick man, Bob. I do have 
a ( former ) friend who is afraid of Interstates, she gets frozen at the 
wheel ( NOT a good thing around the Wash. DC metro area! ), so she always 
drives on the secondary roads. Trying to get her to go someplace was a very 
hard task, if she had to drive. If I drove, no problem. I didn't laugh at 
her, either. But if she had a fear of a particular intersection, or one 
section of road, then I'd probably make a joke about it. Some areas are 
dangerous, I'll admit, and some cars are dangerous, too ( mostly it's the 
drivers, NOT the vehicle ), so there can be some basis for seriousness. But I 
refuse to believe that the Gremlin is a death-trap. Several people on this 
list have been in accidents, and not only survived, but had their Gremlins 
come out in better shape than the (modern) car that struck them! Just about 
any car can be struck from behind, at speed, and become a fireball. But if 
you are that worried, go ride a bus or a train ( derailments and tires 
blowing out notwithstanding....). Life is a risk, those who worry about it 
will never be happy. I feel sorry for you who have that problem. I'm not one 
of them. If it is a mental illness, then again, I apologize for making fun of 
a serious debilitating condition, if that's the case. A man walking with a 
cane is one thing, he HAS a legit condition. Worrying about what MIGHT happen 
is far and away a different thing, some are truly medical conditions, others 
are induced by neurotic upbringing by sick parents, or whatever, and aren't 
necessarily a "true" medical condition. THOSE are the circumstances in which 
I'll ridicule and make fun of those who insist we all jump from the frying 
pan into the fire, Bob. Much like I'll ridicule the Liberal Left who thinks 
we humans are solely responsible for "global warming", the sorry condition of 
all other poor countries, etc. Blaming something instead of fixing it is just 
a plain cop-out. Plenty of blame to go around, but who's fixing the problems? 
I'll fix my Gremlins, and Freddie can go bike riding. We'll both be better 
off, I guess. :) 

Jerry in Virginia ( continueing my efforts to "Save the Gremlins...squash a 
(VW) Bug!"...)

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