...an Ebay purchase. I swallowed hard, and bid the $80 for the manual. It's a factory Dealership parts reference manual, it shows the parts illustrations and how they fit together with adjacent parts. Pretty nice book, over 2,200 pages, I got both the F-14075 R2 catalog and the supplement that went with it...I have similar manuals for my old '57 Chevy, but never paid this much for one! It has a Pacer on the front cover. I've just installed all the pages in a 3" 3-ringed binder I salvaged from a previous job, but I think I'll need a bigger one, which I should have in the garage in a box with others. I'm not lacking for binders! But this reference should really be a life-saver, having 14.5 AMC cars makes this a worthwhile investment. I also went to a real " live " auction Wednesday nite, and wound up with a box lot of old books and car repair manuals including a 80-86 Chiltons vacuum diagram manual, with about 40 pages strictly on the AMC motors, CA and 49 states both. Only paid about $3 for that box lot, though. :) Got an old Motors book with some good '60s Rambler info, as well as REAL EARLY Gremlin/Hornet info. Guess I need to start selling off some of my unwanted stuff soon, I intend to do a yard sale, then some ebay selling of more expensive stuff. Getting way to crowded in this ol' house now! Well, that's my AMC scores for the week, only one more day of work, then two days to do what I want ( I hope ). Time to work some more on the yard... :) Later, folks. Jerry CAsper Woodbridge, VA