Re: [BaadAssGremlins] NSRA/long
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Re: [BaadAssGremlins] NSRA/long

Agreed and if 10-15 minutes from me would also check it out! I can tell you however from just cruise nights in Houston it is sort of same. Years ago on Friday nights there was monster cruise night/show downtown at the Prince's Drive Inn, many of the 'regulars' staked out places at 3-4pm, the thing didn't really get hopping until after 6pm, and many rodders and old car fans drove their cars to work, then after working in downtown buildings all day, just go to cruise for few hours. Sometimes so many cars it spilled over into Sear's parking lot, so not uncommon to get 300-500 cars.
Few AMCs, usually I was lone AMCer there. And sometimes it seemed people were more interested in looking at a Ford engine that is all chrome than looking at AMC that might be one of one made. I had small AMC signs in my trunk with details like engine size, production, trans, options and accessories, and put it on a easle in front of car, and business cards on windshield. So you have to work twice as hard to get car people to notice AMC stuff.
And can tell you all types of conversations from celebrities like Jose Cruz (Astros) and Jerry Glanville (was coach of Oilers and Falcons in NFL) with their classic rides, to dumbasses who knew for sure that Ford 390 is AMC 390 because friend of friend worked at a dealership. Sometimes I would purposely see if parking spot available next to a Ford or Mercury 390 anything so would have both hoods popped and maybe someone learn something while enjoying meet. But some still would not understand. Or get it. And so it goes.
So don't take it personal that you might be the only AMC in sea of whatever brand x, remember there was usually more of the brand x cars made. But you have unique piece of US automotive history and those that remember, or wish to learn, will take a few moments to double check out your car. Those that walk by transfixed on the chrome blower in the Mustang or whatever, don't worry abuot them. The best thing you can do is have fun at mixed make meets, and answer questions from those asking about your car. And if they want a AMC, send them to my site as it has tons of AMcs that need a home and it is free service and if they buy one, then it is win/win for all of us, and maybe next year when you go to the meet, there will be two of ya'll..... 
Eddie Stakes
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2009 9:02 PM
Subject: Re: [BaadAssGremlins] NSRA/long

I will probably end up going next year. I didn't make the rules and I would like to be part of what you be the biggest car show ever. I figure I will spend most of the first day inside checking out the vendors even though I doubt if I find any AMC stuff there. If i don't like what is going on I can always leave and I don't have to show up all four days. The place is only a 10 to 15 minute drive from me. Now if I had a 500 mile drive ahead of me and had to lay out 2 or 3 hundred for a motel room it would be a different story. Being this close to something I would like to do it would be kind of silly not to.

--- On Sun, 8/9/09, Eddie Stakes <eddiestakes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

From: Eddie Stakes <eddiestakes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [BaadAssGremlins] NSRA/long
To: BaadAssGremlins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Sunday, August 9, 2009, 10:03 AM

Hi Terry, good points however a few things thought I would bring up. As for fees like registration, I can tell you with 11 regionals and one national (AMO) under my belt here, that the fees go a long way for variety of things. Pre-registration for instance helps determine how many people you 'might' get. But there are straglers like myself who 'wait untin weather channel says no hurricane that weekend' to sign up. Then it is more to sign up day of show. But sometimes worht risk, as some events won't refund money if tornado spewing volcanos and lightning from Zeus pops up in middle of showfield day of event. The money raised also offsets costs like fees city, county, or even host area charges. The National we did in 2001 here in Houston, we *HAD* to have X amount of rooms booked at Radisson.... or we would eat that cost! $64,000 worth of rooms ya'll. 10 Wed, 25 Thurs 70 Fri, 70 Sat, (doing from memory, might have been more) but each unbboked room would have cost us. Lucky for us all rooms booked and then some, sold out whole hotel. Banquet, we locked in prices for food at roughly $23 a plate/head, but in the time we signed the contract...and up to meet....5 damned managers came and went at that hotel, each one attempted to break the contract and renegotiate it.
Police. With a show of 11,000 vehicles, you will have a armada of police presence. And the taxpayers and city will usually not pick up whole tab....the event organizers will have to pay, and cops (at least in Houston for nightclub door watch) are $60-$70 per hour.
There is massive advertising, tshirts, goodie bags, parking, dash plaques, trophies and tons more I can't even get into it hewre on what it takes money wise to pull off a event.....much less one with 11,000 cars, I am talking a AMO meet planned 5 years of hard work (no pay) in advance, down to the 96 hours of the meet itself then event over and have to straighten out all the bills. I could not imagine the logistical nightmare of a 11,000 car event. Heck, you just saw the huge bike Sturgis meet in ND yesterday got hammers with baseball sized hail and 70+mph (yikes, hurricane force) winds, hopefully it blew of some of the ladies tops, but those biker guys are tough so riding around in hailstorm no problem.
As for people caring less abut your Gremlin, I would have to disagree. People usually remember the car and while you are not around people are smiling, and whipping out cell phones to take photo of it.
I can't comment on the NSRA rules, and someof them like most clubs, are arcane and just fucking stupid. But they are rules nonetheless put there by the powers that be for whatever reason, and my suggestion to everyone, young and old, is if you don't like them, run of a position in that organization then try to make changes as you and hopefully others, see fit.
Back to AMO and the dues, in Houston we had a discussion about people being on showfield as you have to have insurance. There is another HUGE something I didn't mention above! But people might not have wanted to join AMO for $30 a year, but did want to show their car. So it was brought up to have a 'three day pass' membership for something like $10-$15 that would allow them to be on field, get judged, ect. And if they wanted to join....then pro rate remainder for year. Worked great, sort of like buying battery from Auto Zone, if it goes bad in 2 years they prorate it so get new battery for $8.
NSRA is just that....streed rods
A Ford man no join Chevy club but you can still go to their Super Chevy Sunday and check things out.
You take your Gremlin to a AMO meet and it wil be hard to get good, clean photo of it all day with folks checking it out. You take it to street rod meet people will walk past it, their eyes transfixed on the blower in the 40 coupe next to you. It is uh, a street rod.
Good? You represented all of us by going to a meet, whether local cruise night at Sonic, drag strip or even this NSRA meet. Bad? Unless your Gremlin looks like a Zinger with tunnel ram higher than roofline you get lost in shuffle. Enjoy your car for what it is, not what others think of it.
It's why I have enjoyed driving, racing, showing, wrecking, putting back together, restoring, nothing but AMC's since 1976 when got driver licanse and still drive American Motors built vehicles in Houston, Texas in 2009, so enjoy the Gremmie.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2009 12:46 AM
Subject: [BaadAssGremlins] NSRA

I spent the last two nights doing my usual thing when the street rods are in town. Riding around where the motels are and hearing the hoots and hollers and thumps up from the crowd. Did here a lot of next years give away car. They give a street rod away every year. I thought sure this would make up my mine about entering my Gremlin next year While I would love to be part of the largest car show in the world. They had 11,000 cars his year. They are saying 14 to 15 thousand next year with the 30 year rule. Still I don't want to be some where that I am not wanted. Still I get the feeling that about about half the shows I go to the car people could car less about my Gremlin it is the general public that love it. Also the cost of the show kinds of gets me. If I wait to the show to register it will cost me a $100 to be in it. The admission to the show isn't bad $35 for a four day event. Catch is you have to be a member of NSRA witch is another $65. While I am a member of AMO I have no real desire to be a member of NSRA. I am not a great lover of streets rod. Would like to see the vendors though. If you got the bucks you can lay your money down and watch your street rod being built from the parts at the show. You can drive your brand new 1932 Ford coupe home by 6 o'clock that night. So much for cars manufactored before 1949. Their rules were always silly to me and the people who are throwing a fit don't make since. They will let this new car in because it looks like a 32 Ford but wouldn't let a Plymouth Prowler in because its registration says 1993. I guess I can see thier point though. I wouldn't want to go to an AMO convention and see a bunch of street rods there. I want to see AMC cars. There again if they invited them and parked in the north 40. Who would care. If you wanted to look at them you could if you didn't you wouldn't have to.


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