Terry, depends on what you want to protect. I have some 'unpainted' AMCs
here that I have Wal Mart $20 covers on, works great to protect from sap, bird
shit, leaves, and even occasional hurricane. But moisture goes thru easily on
those. The more you spend the better the protection, sort of like buying condoms
from dollar store then celebrating father's day. If your car has good paint,
then spend the extra dollars, probably more than the $50 Pep Boys one, to
protect your high dollar paint from even moisture if stored outside. Another
alternative is if you have house, you can get carport built for under $1k that
covers two cars, in most areas, while another suggestion would be paid storage
inside unit, but at $50-$75 a month adds up real quick. But the more you spend,
the better the car cover will protect the vehicle, good luck,
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