Coming from a youngster like you...that was very well said.![]()
Tim Kottman <> wrote:Im a youngster compared to most. Got my gremlin about 2months after turning 16, now
im 19. Been a car nut since I was 12, wrenching on cars whenever someone needed
another hand. Most the work i've done was for free as it was a learning expierence for me
and there is no price for education. Kids my age dont know what it means to work for
what they have. Since i was 14 i've had a job and payed for all my goodies straight cash.
I have been lucky enough to find a group of kids my age that have similar beliefs. We
hang out in an abandoned parking lot at night and talk cars. We dont argue over makes
we just sit and talk. Work on our cars, and just hang out. The bigger fight is when punk
kids cruize up in their ricers wanting to race. Im all for racing, but when its your daddies
car versus a car one of us had spent our life savings on it just takes the fun out of racing.
Its sad that the car guys are a dieing breed. Kids just dont know what it takes to have nice
things now days. They get it all for the rightful price of whining to their mommy or daddy.
--- In BaadAssGremlins@yahoogroups. , Tom H <bigrigbear@com ...> wrote:
> This whole topic makes me wonder about the future of
> this hobby in general. If your 40/up you probably
> remember that Car Talk was standard social behavior
> for almost all men, even those who weren't shade tree
> mechanics. I was fortunate to grow up in the 60's and
> remember the whole muscle car / pony car experience.
> Regular guys would fix up their cars and some even
> drag race at a local track or cop-free street. You
> knew what makes and models were built by who and
> debated the virtues your chosen loyalty.
> Nowadays its not cool in most areas or just illegal
> and/or too technical for a budding motor head. The
> exception is the Japanese rice rockets popular here,
> but mostly its a matter of opening your wallet and
> having a shop do it for you. They have no clue as to
> auto history or significant cars. As to the iron
> still out there it seems most of the interest is
> coming from an investment mentality and everyone
> thinks they have gold if its old ( I overheard a "kid"
> talking how his Cutlass Ciera would be a classic and
> almost puked). Guess Im just a 49 y/o geezer who is
> stuck in my ways, but if there ain't grease under your
> nails you get no respect from me.
> Tom
> New owner of a 78 Gremlin
> Past owner of a "Whats an Edsel?" and numerous AMC's
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