Hmmmmm that sounds like an idea. I am waiting to see what the insurance company is going to do first and go from there. The only body parts I think I really need is a fender and a hood latch. I have an extra grille and hood hinges. I know where I can get a fender painted for pretty cheep and know where I can get the stripe done again.If I had the facilities I dont think an engine swap would be too bad. I would just put it in until I could afford the machine work on the original.Yeah Davis, what would you want for the 232?It will be a long time before I can do it. I have 2 trucks I need to keep running.I might be able to had to Conneticut in August when I head for New Hampshire.Hopefully either of my trucks should be good for the trip by then.Talk to you later Luke
Davis Martin <martin-davis@sbcglobal. wrote:net> I also have a 232 from a 74 hornet that only had 54K miles on it.Davis
Luke Wardwell <> wrote:Thank you Davis.I am right now focused on the engine. I fired it up this morning and it was making a knocking sound. It sounded to be from the lower end. Throttle response was pretty bad too. I think I blew a head gasket. I am wondering what the knocking sound could be.I am thinking the worse, so I am looking for a 232 or 258 to bolt in until I can afford machine shop work on the original if needed. Maybe then I will think about modifying it.Would a Pacer 258 fit? I also know where I could get a 232 out of a '74 Hornet.I would think about the 232 in my '76 parts car, but it has the heads with extra tubing for the air pump. Right now my car looks at me from the garage as if to say "what did I do to deserve this"I dont know. I guess I will take it as it comes. Thanks to all for your support Luke
Davis Martin <martin-davis@sbcglobal. wrote:net> Man That sucks! I have the parts you need though. Grille, hinges, fender. I think.Davis
Luke Wardwell <> wrote:I'm not sure if I will go to the AMC club meeting or not Saturday, and go to a junkyard on the way to look for AMCs.I got into an accident this morning with my Hornet, so it is out of commission for awhile.Someone stopped in front of me without using thier blinker to turn. Long story short my grille is busted and the fan hit the new radiator I installed last summer. So She was running very hot on the ride home. The hood wouldnt shut, so I had it rigged up . It blew open. Thankfully I think the hood is ok. Hinges are busted.I will check later to see if I broke anything internally due to the overheating.Anyone know where I could find a drivers side fender and radiator??Insurance stuff is pending.Since my Ranger isnt running I still have my old gas guzzler F150.Oh well, I wonder if the family I hit was able to get thier daughter to the DMV to take her drivers test.
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