Yup I sure did.D
Dennis jr Sinks <dsinks@prodigy.net> wrote:DAMN!!!!!!!!!! That worked out great! Great price as well. Did you use flat aluminum for the mounts?
Davis Martin <martin-davis@sbcglobal. wrote:net> Dennis,I sure did. Here is a pic http://i160.photobucket. com/albums/ t172/GremlinXman /100_0873. jpg Davis
Dennis jr Sinks <dsinks@prodigy.net> wrote:Did you get the New Rad Mounted?If so..Did you get some pics of that?
Davis <martin-davis@sbcglobal. wrote:net> Today I got my transcooler mounted, fuel gauge mounted, oil pressure
gauges plummed, and restored /installed the wiper transmission and
motor. installed the new tranny shifter cable. I also wired up the
fuel pump and fired it up to check for leaks in the oil gauge plumming.
One leak, tightened it up and now no leaks.
Still sounds Baadass!
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