Farther east. North of Knoxville on Ky., Tn., Va. line.
CJ <redneck2212@yahoo.com> wrote:New Tazewell?, Is that off of 65 or is it farther East?
eddie walker <moparedwalker@yahoo.com> wrote:All kinds of AMC stuff here. In New Tazewell, Tn...at least 50 AMC's in various junkyards around here. Hornet's, Pacers, Rebels, Ambos , Javelins (1971-1974) some in very rebuildable shape...
CJ <redneck2212@yahoo.com> wrote:I herd that I don't have a pot to piss in, I have noticed that down yonder way KY, TN, AR for instance they have alot more to choose from and the frame and bodies are in better shape (they use sand) on the roads when and if it ever snows enough. I even checked out Toledo, OH and they don't have ANY Gremlins. The only thing close was a Hornet and most of the motor was nit picked.
baadass73gremlin@aol.com wrote:In a message dated 8/18/2006 7:41:28 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, redneck2212@yahoo.com writes: A 360 would be sweet but, most of the jeeps which are few are V6's and i haven't seen any wagoneers.That's bull dude,i don't have shit at my local yards as well,but with the net and spreading the word of what I needed I got,plus i'm not a wealthy guy either.Seek and ye shall find.Bart
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