How fast are they?
Dennis jr Sinks <> wrote:Yeah, My pacer and gremlin are over 12" long.That are huge! wrote:So they are bigger than the Pinto's and Pacers I saw. That make since.Terry
Dennis jr Sinks <> wrote:The $49 Gremlin is a 1/10 size model. Just like the $49 1/10 pacer.There are 3 differant sizes of pacers and Gremlins.....They are all the same price according to there size. The pacers and gremlins that Fresh cherries makes are all the same years as well.I think DCX just Liscensed certain years and thats it, I doubt other years will come out. wrote:I checked out a couple of Wally Worlds. The one had a few Pint's and Pacer R/C cars for $19.95 and a bunch of the 1/24 scale Pintos. No Gremlin's. The other one had nothing at all. I will keep looking. Got two questions is the Gremlin R/C car that much better than the Pacer for it to sale for $49.95. Second question why are all these Gremlins 1974 models. It doesn't matter to me I don't expect them to come out with a 78. I am just glad there are some Gremlin models out there. How things have changed in the last 10 years.Terry
Luke Wardwell <> wrote:I got a big blue 1/24th for my birthday. I also got a
yellow 1/64th Pacer as well as a red Pacer and red
Gremmy at various Wally Worlds.
--- Plumpy72@AOL.COM wrote:
> Mildred,
> They are distributed by Fresh Cherries. I've seen
> Pintos and Pacers but
> haven't been lucky enough to find a remote control
> Gremlin.
> Rick
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