Thansk Ed, really neat piece too, finding stuff I forgot I had, some of this crap has not seen light of day since 80s. I have been cleaning out my warehouse, and getting rid of tons of stuff, just because I don't want to move it all. My warehouse is in the old hood, down around Fondren and Richmond avenue, tough area, but we moved almost 7 years ago and should have moved all that stuff then!Eddie Stakes'
Planet Houston AMX
*email is currently HEAVY
Call if important* Original Message -----From: eddie walkerSent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 10:49 PMSubject: Re: [BaadAssGremlins] dual snorkleIt is off a late 60's 383. It looks like a 69....eddie
Eddie Stakes <eddiestakes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Got snorkle? .dll?ViewItem& item=33000020386 5
Maybe some of you Mopar fans here can let me know specifically what this
goes to, I have had it for quite awhile, neat item but no use for it, glad I
didn't butcher it up in the late 80s, as I'm rather handy with hacksaw after
some Jagermeister. .dll?ViewItem& item=33000020462 2
Eddie Stakes'
Planet Houston AMX
eddiestakes@planethoustonamx .com
*email is currently HEAVY
Call if important*
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