I know this is not AMC related, but........Recently, my wife and I changed to a new family doctor. We were both becoming more and more dissatisfied with the old one. All he wanted to do was treat everything with medication and never ordered tests.The first day I visited with the new doctor, he ordered several tests; the usual blood sampling, an MRI, a CT scan, an Echo-gram, a stress test and since I am 53, he included everybody favorite, a colonoscopy. I was even less excited about the colonoscopy when I learned that it would cost be a chunk of change when the insurance company deemed it as "routine" and not medically necessary. I think the worse part was the crap they make you drink the night before.To make a long story short, I'm damn glad I had the procedure. It may have saved my life. During the procedure, the gastro-enterologist removed several polyps and had them tested. As a result, I have been diagnosed with Large B-cell Type, Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Fortunately for me, this was discovered during the routine exam and not because I was experiencing signs or symptoms.I met with an Oncologist for the first time yesterday. During the office visit, he did a quick exam and found a small lump on the right side of my neck. I've tried, but can't feel anything. I guess that's why he's the doctor. He took a bone marrow sample and scheduled me for more blood test as well as CT and PET scans. He doesn't even want to guess on the treatment until he gets the test results.I did ask him for a prognosis. He said the chances for a full cure is very, very good and if not cured, it can at least be put into a long term remission.As it was said here in our group.........life throws us problems and inconveniences. I keep telling myself that this is only an inconvenience!Rick
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