3 days is not a long time to wait. They said"it's just an AMC. Nobody wants them."
twa1950@xxxxxxxxx wrote:yea but they got that $35 right away they might have had to wait a week or to to get the $800 we live in an instant world.
Bradley Jones <wagonmasterx5@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:A junkyard in Norfolk, VA did that to me. The lady drove the Hornet to the junkyard. Ean like a dream, low miles, and nearly mint body. They immediately stamped the title as junk. I got the radiator from it and told them I'd be back with lots of cash on Saturday for all the parts I needed from it. I came back Saturday and couldn't find it. So I asked whwere it was and was told that they had crushed it!!! Only 3 days there and they crushed it??? I asked how much do they get for the scrap metal. $35 was their answer. I asked what kind of money would they have gotten for the hood,doors, interior, fenders,...etc.( Basicly most of the car.) About $800. Hmmm...$800 or $35, $800 or $35, $800 or $35, yeah, i'd take the $35 over the $800, too. NOT!!!!!
GrublinX@xxxxxxx wrote:In a message dated 6/11/2006 6:39:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time, twa1950@xxxxxxxxx writes:I heard a man with a Model T and a guy with a 56 Oldsmobile ask if parts were hard to find for their cars. They said no that they could order any part they wanted and have it within 24 hours. I had one guy tell me I was lucky because I could go to the junk yards and get the parts for my Gremlin while he had to order his from catalog's and pay the high shipping cost. I ask him where that junk yard was I haven't found it yet. He just looked at me like I was crazy.TerryThere is a scrap yard near me that had a Hornet that was in fair shape - lots of good parts on it. I took a few things off it several months ago. I went back this weekend to get some more stuff off it, only to find out he crushed it! YIKES! I have not seen any other Gremlins or Hornets in a scrap yard other than that one. Charlie
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