Yup it is a really good cause. When you see the
kiddies down there who are bald battling for their lives just day to day well,
it f*cks you up to say the least and want to do something for them, whether
donate DVD cartoons from dollar store, color books, crayons, Hot Wheels, just
stuff to make them forget the pain and daily routine which can include chemo,
and other crap. So even if Bart cuts his hair for dad, his dad will remember
that, as will Bart, as a noble thing. Granted, Bart's hair might look like one
of grannie's possums from the Beverly Hillbillies on someone's head and empty
the hospital when someone screams 'mad coon!' when they see it, but it can be
washed too before using! And maybe sell those NOS AMC Ticks on