--- In BaadAssGremlins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "amc74hornet" <AMC74HORNET@xxxx> wrote: > Since 1965 I have had an Aougha Horn in all my AMC's. In fact the original one from my new 65 American has been in my yellow 74 Hornet for 30 years. I have another one out of my fathers 69 Rebel that has been in a few of my brand "X" beaters for the last 25 years. Since I need to let the paint on the dash dry for a few more days before finishing it I decided to restore the old horn and paint the non chrome areas in AMC R/W/B colors and install it in the new Hornet this week. > "Doc" I just can't win lately on anything even a simple horn resto has got to give me a problem. The chrome part just needed to be polished. The two painted metal pieces I stripped with paint stripper and found them to be really rusty. So I took them to the machine shop to have them sand blasted. Guess what, their sand blaster is broken. I then took them to my friends shop and used his wire wheel to clean it up and then spent 2 hours sanding them. I just can't win, a lousey 45 min job has taken 4 hours to do so far. I got the Red & The Blue painted now today I will paint the White. I am trying a new self etching primer made by SEM, a 15 1/2 oz. can was 12.00$. Today I will stop at my local hardware store and get all new stainless steel screws and washers to use when I reassemble it. I also need a piece of 1/8"X1"X6" flat stock to make a new bracket like the on in the yellow car that my father made me in 1965. Neatness counts. "Doc"