Re: [BaadAssGremlins] Re: sc/360s....and more...........
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Re: [BaadAssGremlins] Re: sc/360s....and more...........

Good deal on not haveing a mark like that against you but a bummer on
haveing to cough up 900$ under your situation.

Doc, you are correct. If something like that had stuck, I would be driving
along (yes, will still be driving a AMC) when I'm 70 years old and cop
behind me checks license plate and sees 'tampering with government document'
and that would probably cause him to pull me over. Speaking of pulling over,
the judge in the Lea Fastow Enron case yesterday stuck it to here with one
year in federal prison, the agreed pleae bargain was 6 months in fed prison
(hey, maybe with old Martha Stewart) and 6 months home confinement. But the
judge maxed her. And guess what? It was a Misdemeanor like I was charged
with. She has some of the best laywers like DeGuerin money can buy, these
guys rarely lose any case. But not too many people like his client screwed
so many people out of all their money, life savings, and everything either.
Justice can be bought, how deep are your pockets! Not sure about other
states but if you are ever convicted of a felony, you lose right to vote,
can't hold a large number of jobs the rest of your life, the list is endless
of what you can, and can't do for the rest of your God given life.
Eddie Stakes

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