My test with the plastic model stripper on the top of the dash to bring the color back was a dismal failure brough on by stupidity on my part by not following one of my own rules. Test a product in a spot not seen. I couldn't do it so I tested it and I had a half a dozen small cracks develop in the test area. I knew that sometimes on old plastic models this stripper has a tendency to make old plastic that is britle crack but figured that since the dash is 2-3 times the thickness of a model body I was ok. No such luck!!!! The cracks were frustrateing but a blessing in disguise. They developed in an area where on the underneath of the dash I had glued the 3/4X34 plexiglass bar to remove a bit of warpage. I got most of it out but it was under tension. I planned on installing the frame in the car and with the hot weaher comeing not tightening all the top dash screws tight all at once. I figured at the end of each hot day after sitting in the sun and the dash hot I would tighten the screws a little utill they were tight and the dash would not be under tension where I glued the plexiglass. With the cracking from the stripper experiment most of the tension is now gone on that side and the dash is straighter now. Now I am in the process of repairing the cracks with my Plastic Welding System Glue backed up with model sheet plastic on the underside of the dash. I will simulate the vinal grain in the crack repair on the visible top side of the dash with my electric tool engraver. I an also going to experiment with some JB Weld epoxy on plastic that I bought yesterday. On an old trashed plastic part interior part. Someone said they used it for such a repair on the AMX files. A mid April installation of the dash has now been pushed to the end of the month due to this !@#$%^&* stupid setback for which I have no one to blame but myself. "Doc"