Davos mentions: a NOS gremlin X black body side stripe kit ! has the GX stickers and the Gremlin guy stickers. Ya'll know what those GX stickers are don't you? AMC had these stripe kits that they would sell, cheap, to dealerships to spruce up trade ins. Gremlin and Hornet series specifically. You can commonly find these NOS stripe kits on ebay for as little as $5 a can, or roll. Some of them have a 'hornet' 10" decal, some have 'gremlin' decals, some have Hornet bees, some the Gremlin man to stick on top of the stripe. But they were specifically used to doll up AMCs that commonly ended up as trade ins! I just bought two sets of them, one black, one white, off ebay, one for $5, one for $7. Kind of neat to have, as these are really generic in natute and can be applied to a variety of models. This is my 74 Hornet DL/"GX" wagon Sportabout for sale for $400 for instance, showing a kit I installed on it in 1995. Those GX stripe kits are worth picking up if you find them for sale, if nothing else, maybe one day you can use it on one of your AMCs like I did. I believe I have about a dozen of them kits now shoved in a box on a shelf in the warehouse. Good luck, Eddie Stakes www.planethoustonamx.com ==================
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