A few weeks ago A buddy in my Jeep club decided he wanted to part his Jeep out to focus my towards a Rock Buggy. He called me wanting to sell me his 401. Its a Recon rebuild and has literally 50 miles on it. Well I did not have the money he wanted for it so I had to pass. A few days later he emailed me and said he would sell it for $1000. It came with a carb, intake,Duals he had on his jeep, radiator and a few other things. The duals look to be just about perfect to run out the side and have a hpipe between them on the gremmy. I already had a built 304 in my cj5 so I decided to get the gremlin to put the engine in. I heard the engine run today and it ran fine so we yanked it of course with only 50 miles on it it should! :). Heres some pics of it. http://community.webshots.com/scripts/editPhotos.fcgi? action=showMyPhoto&albumID=48245101&photoID=116766313&security=IeUozz http://community.webshots.com/scripts/editPhotos.fcgi? action=showMyPhoto&albumID=48245101&photoID=116768593&security=YWJjQC My original factory v8 in the gremmy is sprayed the darker blue from the factory so thats what I am going to repaint this motor with. Im not a big fan of the aqua green anyway. Just figured I would keep everyone up to date on how the restify is going. I yanked the carpet and seats, the rear seat is ok but dried out and the front bench was trashed. I have a set of buckets for a 74 gremmy x that I am trying to find covers for. So your up to date. :)