I have numerious physical problems of which breathing is one of them and yesterday was a bad breathing day for me. I planned on installing the new hatch gasket but was not able to. I did go over to a friends place where he gave me all the interior plastic windshied trim and kick panels I needed for free. And they were black too. This car originaly spent the first 22 years of it's life in Florida and a lot of the interior trim is warped, dry'd and cracked. Not counting the damage the previous owner did to it the 4 years he had it. Since I was out already, when I came home I was able to install the manual hood latch I got from a guy in Canada. It works like a charm and only cost me 6.95$ and that was for shipping a Spirit cable and latch to him as a trade for the Hornet latch. If I can make one repair every 2-3 days I am happy. But this afternoon I absolutely have to get that hatch gasket in as it is supposed to get colder tomorrow and rain later in the day. "Doc"