OK - Tonight we have something very special, two Members stepping up
for what should be a memorable evening here on "PINKS" -
D = Davis
J = Jay
B = Bart
Any Questions ?
OK - Davis, do you have anything to say to Bart ?
D:"..a proven drag car.. when are YOU going to prove it? Since
you got it I haven't heard of you going ANYWHERE with that car.
J: How many lengths you looking for Davis ?
D: Jay that's not where I was going but it wouldn't be any kind of
competition for me
B: Well I could put a 150 shot of spray on mine.And I'm sure my trans
won't shatter at the end of the race either
D: With a 150 shot you may be a contender but, my motor was built for a
300 shot so...., my motor was built for a 300 shot so.... O and my
tranny is built to take 1000HP.
B: When the snow thaws are you gonna race yers or is it still fodder for
D: Well... I just dropped the driveshaft off to have it fixed.
B: I have no trailer and I'm working on repainting the car..
J: OK - we have got some Issues to resolve here:
We've a worked Gremlin 401 with a bad driveshaft, against a worked
Gremlin 360, no trailer and
bad Paint.
Davis, will you agree to allow Bart time to secure a Trailer and some
Fresh Paint ?
Bart, will you agree to allow Davis time to fix his Driveshaft and check
with his Legal Aid Lawyer ?
Since you're both roughly one thousand miles apart, once up and running,
we'll take the Best
verified ET Slips after 3 'Sets' of four passes from a Track nearest you
- your choosing -
to establish where we go from there:
First set will be four passes - just Motor.
Second set - four passes with the 150 Shot NOS.
Third set for Davis - four passes with the 300 Shot NOS.
Verified ET Slips must be from the SAME DAY at the Track - not 2 here -
one there.
OK - once that's settled, the Audience feels they'd like to step it up a
notch - we' like each
of you to put some Skin in the Game just to make it interesting - how
about it ? :
Davis - are you willing to put up a Genuine AMC logo Gremlin Gas Cap -
in any condition - against
your losing to Bart, best one out of four after we figure out what we're
doing ?
Bart - same thing - put up a logo's Gremlin Gas Cap - any condition -
against Davis's winning
best one out of four given he still has a car after the next go round
with the little Misses ?
OK - Guys, rattle your pocket change, shake hands and Welcome to 'PINKS' !
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- [BaadAssGremlins] - Smells like "PINKS" Spirit -
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