Small world indeed, my wife and I have a summer cabin in Conneaut, Ohio. Gary
-----Original Message-----
From: Suezy <>
To: BaadAssGremlins@yahoogroups. com
Sent: Thu, 6 Dec 2007 12:19 am
Subject: [BaadAssGremlins] Re: Hello from Kansas!
Cool Gary! (Yeah see my reply to Hal)...It is a 78 not a 79. I am
sitting here thinking what a dummy I am ..... Must have had 79 on
the mind for some reason! We're suppose to get some snow here
tonight! Wow- is that a coincidence with someone posting from Olathe
and you actually ordering something from here!!! Small world! Scott
is originally from Ohio...Coneaut or something like that... Know what
I'm talking about?
--- In BaadAssGremlins@yahoogroups. , . wrote:
> Suezy, Welcome to the group. Great story. I hope someone is not
pulling your leg by selling you a 1979 Gremlin. 1978 was the last
year for Gremlins. If it's a Spirit that's cool too. Not many people
know Olathe, KS but you won't belive that I just got off the I-net
here at work to check this e-mail and the last thing I did was place
a parts order with Systems Material Handling in OLATHE, Kansas. I too
have had about 5 or 6 Gremlins over the years but I still have my
first one, it's a'74 Levi's Edition with V-8 engine and 17K original
miles.? Gary in (SNOWY) Cleveland, Ohio?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Suezy <n2sweetrock@...>
> To: BaadAssGremlins@yahoogroups. com
> Sent: Wed, 5 Dec 2007 12:19 pm
> Subject: [BaadAssGremlins] Hello from Kansas!
> Hello! I am new to the group. I am from Olathe KS which is about 20
> miles south of KC KS/ KC MO. I just recently bought my 6th Gremlin.
> It's coming to me in January from Arizona. In the early 80's to
> 90's I had owned 5 different Grems. 4 of them 1973's and one 1974.
> just thought I would share my Gremlin history. My first Grem was
> given to me by my sister who bought it right off the lot for $2000
> 1973. I aquired it in 1983 when it had become a complete rust
> bucket. KS winters are hard on cars! They were going to junk it and
> told her I wanted it. I had always loved driving her car! (They
> out and bought a PACER!!!) Well the Grem had no floorboards, the
> doors didn't latch right and I had to put a pin in the stick to be
> able to shift. It was pretty sad but I drove that car for about 3
> yrs before I had to put it to rest. Of course over the years I had
> learned how to change out altenators, starters and most everything
> else. I had become a Gremlin lover by this point. I set out to find
> another. Then I found another 73 White and Purple for $400 and it
> in pretty good shape. I worked on the problem spots on the car and
> had it about ready to get painted and then my now ex husband
> to run it into a pole and totaled it out. I was sick for weeks! By
> the way, he always hated the Gremlins! It didn't take long to find
> another one. It was in good shape. I got Blue1 for $100. Then a
> few months later I found another one for $100- Blue2! So we drove 2
> grems around for a couple years. Then Blue1 conked out and I found
> #5 which was in really bad shape body wise but ran like a charm. At
> one point I had a bad carb. in Blue2 and my friend put a carb kit
> it and the damn thing caught fire a day later and my Blue2 sat
> burning up! Again I was sick. Back in those days I had 3 small sons
> and no money so I pretty much had to give up on ever getting
> my "Dream" Gremlin done. Blue1 I had bought #5 for the engine was
> another nightmare...My brother in law was suppose to transfer the
> engine from one to the other and he never got it done. After
> in my driveway for a year with no engine I had to junk them both.
> The city was on my butt bad for the cars being "non running". I had
> no choice. So it's been about 14 yrs since I've had the chance to
> get another Grem and I did! I lived out in Phoenix from July 06-
> July 07. While I was back visiting in October I had found a Grem on
> Craigslist. I had my boyfriend Scott take my up to see it. I was
> floored! This is a 1979 one family owned Grem that has NO RUST! It
> was like a dream. I couldn't believe I had found another Grem and
> this great of condition. I had been looking on ebay and everywhere
> else and was finding what people were wanting for the Grems in way
> worse conditions to be outrageous priced.
> I got a steal on this one! The people had taken really good care of
> the car. They hated to sell it but they had a ton of car projects
> going on and he said he just had to part with it. I found my
> treasure! This time around I will have my "looker". My plans are to
> paint it from the tan it is to a bright emerald type green metallic
> with black striping. It is gonna be sharp! I can honestly say I
> haven't even seen a Gremlin in my parts for years now. Scott is
> bringing my Gremmie home to me in January when he moves out here. I
> can't wait! That's my Gremlin story!
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