thanks for all of the info - our car is currently painted metallic blue with a white stripe but the original color was black. I may have it painted black in the near future so it's good to know stripe options. TONY
From: "Eddie Stakes" <eddiestakes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: BaadAssGremlins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: <BaadAssGremlins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [BaadAssGremlins] striping options black 1978 GREMLIN
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 19:10:06 -0500
Hi Tony, here is some photos from the 2 foot x 1 foot huge AMC 78 Product Information Book. This was the large book Salsemen had to show a prospect choices at the dealership. Ther were other like Data Book,s Group 15 Accessory Catalogs and others, but this was the main one whihc could usually answer a prospective buyer's questions quickly; whether paint, or if they wanted to actually feel the interior chips in vinyl or cloth.It appears that there were four colors available on a last year Gremlin. While not all of them available with a black car, as Charlie poijnted out, most probable gold, white, and hmmm.Berry.Eddie Stakes'
Planet Houston AMX
eddiestakes@planethoustonamx .com
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8-19 day reply times, just call!----- Original Message -----From: Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 2:03 PMSubject: Re: [BaadAssGremlins] striping options black 1978 GREMLINIn a message dated 3/10/2007 12:36:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:anyone know what the striping options were for a black 1978 gremlin
(not an X)?? thanks for any info you have - TONY
Email: I think they were gold. (The only colors available that would work on black were white or gold.) Here is a photo in a different color.Charlie
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