Luke,I am in Meriden CT about 40 min north of bridgeport.Davis
Luke Wardwell <> wrote:Hey Doc I will sorta be in your neck of the woods this weekend. I will be heading down to Bridgeport CT with friends to some concerts. I wish I could stop by, but I guess I'll have to ask my brother in law who will be driving the church van. I could find out more details if we could possibly meet. Oh I forgot isnt there someone on here from CT? I wish I was taking my car there.AMC subject: I might be driving through the town where my Hornet was originally purchased. It was bought new in Westbrook CT. wrote:Did you sell the 73 Hornet Hatchback? If not is it being parted out like
you said by Nov. 1'st? I have the 100$ cash in hand for the 2 extra rust
free front fenders you said you have. I also want the hatch with glass
and stainless glass hatch trim. Cash in hand and cash for delivery. A
fair price for the parts and delivery is no problem. It will give you a
chance to see how nice the re-upholstered Javelin seats look in my
orange Hornet you sold me 2 years ago. I am trying to organise parts for
the body work and paint job on my yellow Hornet this winter. E-mail me
at .
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