Bart, you would not believe some of the stories. About your Dakota below, I sold a 69 Javelin to a fellow here locally in early 90s, he drove it and never changed title to his name due to warrants. So I got a letter from Houston Police saying the car was in storage. I was surprised and went to go look at it. Damned thing I had restored had a large scrape down one side, driver side window busted out, and two flats, and it had rained the night before about 4 inches so inside was flooded. I asked the tow yard what it would cost to get it out. they said $133, so I paid them and then paid to have it towed home. I basically got my car back for under $200. I then went to the DMV on 290 and got a lost title for $5, as it was still in my name hee hee.I fixed the dent, put a cheap Maaco paint job on it and drove that little 343 car for another 2 years before selling it for $1500:Bart, with your incident below, something you could have done is what I did. If the value of the Dakota exceeded $400, hell, I would have paid them and taken possession of it again, then sold the sOB in Greensheet or something for $1000 and move on.....Eddie Stakes'
Planet Houston AMX
eddiestakes@planethoustonamx .com
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5-12 day reply times, call if important----- Original Message -----From: Sent: Saturday, October 07, 2006 1:39 PMSubject: Re: [BaadAssGremlins] Re: Repo ManIn a message dated 10/7/2006 12:04:06 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:Neat little car. Not sure about California law, however here in Texas, when a car impounded, the lot first has to send out registered letter to last known owner (LKO). After one month, the car goes to auctions, sometimes dealers only, sometimes open to public. Warning, note that the time it sits in the storage lot it is $30-$50 a day. So if it sits there for say, 45 days, at $50 a day, you are looking at $2250. Not counting the wrecker fees for initial towing, here it is $115. So now up to over $2300 and I guarantee you the lot will try to make a majority of that back or sell it to a wholesaler lot. Note you think shilling is bad on ebay, try live auctions, oldest trick in book, many plants in the crowd there for nothing more that to bid up vehiclesEddie this asshole tow co. tried to do that with me over this 90 Dakota I had.I sold it o some teenage kid and he never turned the title in and drove it illigally and it broke down and they tracked the last owner down'ME'and tried to get me to pay 400$ i said the truck aint mine and i never got any more letters from them.Bart
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