Damn near! I live in Moscow.
  Charlie "Cool Factor X"
In a message dated 9/19/2006 5:10:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
djdave@xxxxxxxxxxx writes:
Yes, I
am on East Mountain, south side of scranton.
So can I see your house
from here?
--- In BaadAssGremlins@yahoogroups.com,
GrublinX@... wrote: > > > > PROFERRA'S PIZZA!
> I am assuming you must be in the greater Scranton area! >
Charlie in NE PA > > Charlie "Cool Factor X" > > In
a message dated 9/16/2006 2:53:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time, >
djdave@... writes: > > Hello, people. It's been a long time. How
long? > I was 17 when I bought my first (used) gremlin for $127.00 and 2
boxes > of Proferra's pizza (had to be right from the pizza place, not
store > bought) It was a 74 plain jane 6 cyl. > When that car was
all but dust, I ended up buying a 73 levis with a > 304. I bought a 75?
ambassador cause it had a 360/727, that > eventually made its way into
the gremlin. That was about 18 years ago. > Since then, I found myself
wanting another gremmie, and wanting to do > all of the things to it
that i could not afford back then. > I recently bought a 74 gremlinX
that was on ebay. It's a wreck. It > needs ALOT of work, but the >
uniframe/floorwellsuniframe/funiframe/floorwells<WBR>/quarters/<WBR>f >
Pennsylvania, and found the car close to Fargo North Dakota. It is >
truely a calif. car. all of the rust is surface rust only. Well woth >
the 1500 mile trec (1 way) to pick it up. > I am about to dive into
this car 100%. What I want to know, some of > those things I want to do,
have they ever been done to a gremlin before? > I have been looking
high and low but cannot find a gremlin with shaved > doorhandles and
locks, or power windows. Nor have I seen any > substituted interiors.
Iwas thinking of using a dash, console, seats, > and column from a
2001-2003 PT Cruiser. > I am also looking for a 401 to put in the
gremlin, it need not be in > good shape, as I plan on (re)building the
motor myself. > I also need a drivers side door. The one on the car is
caved in > pretty good. I could fix it, but it will need alot of
attention. > Also, is there a patch panel available for the door nader
pin area? > was thinking I am going to ned to mig a piece of stock from
the inside. > > djdaveinpa