Mark Skurnick sent me the following auction, take a look.
----- Original Message -----From: Mark SkurnickSubject: Why no bids?Eddie,
Just curious: why does this Ornage 70 Gremlin have 0 bids?
The Green 73 has 23 bids AMC-Gremlin- 1970-AMC- Gremlin-Clean- Inline-6- Orange-Restored- L-K-NR_W0QQcmdZV iewItemQQcategor yZ5357QQihZ013QQ itemZ23001868235 3QQrdZ1
Thank you,
Mark Skurnick
I told him possibly (and this is my guess) isA=the seller has only one feedbackB=the opening bid is $4200C=the auction claims the car only has 59,000 original miles. Someone correct me if wrong, but this speedometer was not even used until 1975.Eddie Stakes
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