Yeah, I actually have a huge blasting cabinet with starblast beadblast but it'll burn right through the plastic but wont warp thin gauge sheet metal.I have already tried on a broken Headlight door I had. From 2 feet away it did enough damage to make me not want to try it on my good doors.Thanks though..
Bradley Jones <wagonmasterx5@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Does anybody in your area do beadblasting? Not sandblasting. Beadblasting can blast the paint from an aluminun soda can without damaging it.
deezildennis <dsinks@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Im not sure if I asked this yet but I have a Grill that had a horrid
paint job sometime back in the 80's and its partly flaking and thick!
The grill itself is good to go I was able to blow the paint off of it
with 125psi.......
The Headlight doors Ive chipped/Blown as much of it off as I can but
the stuff thats stuck.........Is stuck. Sanding is gonna suck and the
potential to ruin them is great.........
Im wondering if laquer thinner in a spray mist bottle would do the
Any thoughts, Idea's??
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