What am I............. chopped liver? I gots some cash too..... Paul
Bradley Jones <wagonmasterx5@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Yeah, but I have the cash on hand
Paul Hancock <kwikbiker@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Ya Me too. Paul
Bradley Jones <wagonmasterx5@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:I still need the chrome for my '74
Davis Martin <martin-davis@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:LOL I will let Doc check em out an dif he doesn't want em the he can give out the info.i was gonna buy em just to turn a proffit but thought Doc could use them.Davis
Bradley Jones <wagonmasterx5@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Bargain news?? What's the site ??
Paul Hancock <kwikbiker@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Dumb question of the day is>>>> Are the Hornet bumpers the same as Gremlin and will 75 fit 74Grem
Davis Martin <martin-davis@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Doc.Check the bargain news, there is a guy on LI that has show condition 75 hornet bumpers for 95 bucks!Davis
AMC74HORNET@xxxxxxxxx wrote:Damn I'd buy all that stuff if it was close just for the hatchback hatch
and sell the rest. :-( Damn!!!!!
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To: <baadassgremlins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "AMC List" <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Eddie Stakes" <eddiestakes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2006 17:01:28 -0600
Subject: [BaadAssGremlins] Fw: hornet parts for sale
Not mine ya'll cotnact the folks below if interested, thanks----- Original Message -----To: eddie AMXSent: Sunday, March 19, 2006 12:02 PMSubject: parts for sale1975 horent front and back bumpers,both side doors -1 door panal,both back windows,1rear view mirror,1 hatchback trunk lid, 2complet front blinkers,4 front side reflectors. COST A cool 250.00 takes all.Yet must come to tacoma for the bargen.Save on shipping cost,Call me at 253-383-2862 thanks eddie ,let me know if your frineds in north calif. wan't to buy the bulk bargen.
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