How's the team Spirit coming Davis? When do you guy's plan on taking her out for her first race? "Doc" ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor --------------------~--> Help save the life of a child. Support St. Jude Children's Research Hospital's 'Thanks & Giving.' --------------------------------------------------------------------~-> Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: BaadAssGremlins-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:
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- From: Davis Martin <martin-davis@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 5 May 2005 17:28:05 -0700 (PDT)
Doc,A little bit at a time will still get you there. Today I got home from physical Therapy after work, and went out to the garage to get some more sanding done. I started up the black grem and she started runnin like crapIt wouldn't idle and died. I looked at the carb and the choke had vibrated shut! I opened her up and she fired and purred like a bear. Pulled her out of the garage and got to sandin. I sanded the front ds window pillar and drip rail. i found a small rust hole in the front pillar between where the door hinges bolt on so I will have to weld in a patch. Then the wife calls out to me standing in the doorway with Aran. So I have to pack it up and feed him while she makes dinner. I only got a good 20 minuits on the car. O well, tomorrow I don't have PT so I plan on going directly into the garage. Saturday I have a first communion to go to then I have to go to Bill's to help paint the Team Spirit.
AMC74HORNET@xxxxxxxxx wrote:Arthritis pains in my left hip, knee, and sciatica along with now my
left arm, neck and lower back is making any progress slow and painful.
Crawling in and out of this car is doing my crippled old body in. I
installed the drivers side quarter window which is a simple job with
great difficulty. I managed to paint the pass side quarter window frame
and called it a day. Somthing that should have taken me 1 1/2 hours
total took me 3+ hours. Today I will install the pass quarter window and
start removing everything from the hatch area as there is a couple of
pieces for the hidden compt that need sanding and re-painting. I am
painting the trunk floor with Eastwood's rust encapsulating paint and
then going to paint over it with trunk splatter paint just for a clean
look in the hidden compt. Maybe in a week I will be able to start
installing the car pet and new upholstery panels in the hatch area and
start working my way forward. The owner of the shop where I am working
on the car said yesterday that it is starting to shape up nicely and the
interior looks better black than tan. Personally I think a black
interior looks better than tan with an orange body. I wasent thrilled
with the orange body color but it has grown on me and it will stay
orange even if I decide to paint it. I used a little compound and wax
around the orange paint on the body around the drivers side quarter
window and the original color comes back real nice and almost matches
the freshly painted window frames perfectly. It's to bad I couldn't get
the interior finished and the car compounded and waxed for the Ardsley
show the 15th of this month. I will probably just give the yellow car a
fast clean up and take that one. Have a good day all 70 degree weather
is coming next week.
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