Eddie, I have seen 3 different ones, the most recent
a rare factory employee-only one? One was printed in
'69, one in '75, and this one I just saw on Ebay, said
rare AMC employee only '76 Centennial edition, it was
listed starting at $49, reserve at $99, no one bid on
it a few weeks ago. There was a sticker on the front
of it, not sure if it's legit or not. Anyway, I have
seen a few for sale recently, if you go to
www.bibliofind.com ( now part of Amazon.com online
books ), and search in the Used books, you can
sometimes find one for sale under $40. I think I have
the '75 version, so it has Gremlins in it. It IS a
great book, rather large, about 11 x 18 inches
horizontal rather than vertical. But has many pictures
of all the old Jeffreys, Essex, Nash, etc. up to the
modern '70s, if you get the '75 edition. Maybe about
1/2 inch thick, and ALL pictures. Nice collectible for
AMC folks. I recommend getting one.
Jerry Casper
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