[Amc-list] update 66 Ambo compression/clanking..?..maybe not!
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[Amc-list] update 66 Ambo compression/clanking..?..maybe not!

I just might be one lucky son of a biscuit!
  Thanx again to all who have replied...you guys are pretty cool!!  
  Not to leave anyone out (cause middle aged short term memory doesn't always work the way we want it to...I know some of you know what I am talking about)
   but a really big thanx to
  Tom Jennings
  Dave Stohler
  Jim Blair
  Arnaldo Mademilia 
  Matt Haas
  All you guys had several responses to my questions and I just want to point out that it doesn't go unnoticed with me and I'm sure many would say and think the same thing.
  Here's the latest on the
   "I created a monster not cleaning the gas tank!":
  So I get home tonight thinking "okay this is my 70hr work week...no time for anything except eat...some sleep..work and if I'm lucky; mow the lawn at the end of the week.  So what am I gonna do between now and my next weekend off when I can work on the Ambo again.  
  So I think...well...I at least have time to put some trans fluid down the carb again each night, and turn the crank a couple times a day..I'll just do that the rest of this week; after all what have I got to lose right?  So I did that as soon as I got home then again a couple hours later.  Then before I went to bed I thought ...what the heck fire!!!... I'll go trickle some gas down the carb and see what happens...see if it even fires with all that trans fluid in the cylinders.  Wow..it actually did...so I tried it again to try to flush some of the fluid out and see if noise was any worse/better etc...cause in the back of my mind all this time I've been thinking I know I had no bent push rods...and I have really suspected the noise I was hearing was the cam slapping the lifter/s and or rocker arm/s slapping valves and I was really more thinking the noise was deep enough that it's cam slapping lifter, but that was just my gut feeling/suspicion.  Well it fired up and I'll be
 darned...no noise.  
  So I'm thinking, I should try it again it only ran probably a half second... so...more gas down carb...enough to keep it going til I got off the ign switch ...under the hood quick enough to trickle more down the carb...and still no noise.  Wow!  I cant believe it!
  See what I mean about lucky?
  I did this a few more times with a 50/50 mix of gas and Sea Foam...then finally kill the engine with straight Sea Foam.  After all...God knows I dont want to get the engine warm knowing there is still got to be a lot of residue in there right!!!?  Gonna come back tomorrow night and hook up an aux electric fuel pump to aux fuel cel with some Sea Foam mix and start it again.  If still no problem, I just might get it running long enough to set the timing. 
  My main objective is to just to be able to run the car just enough to pull it in and out of the garage when working on all the small stuff I want to address.  The cracker box garage I have here only allows 6" of room in front of car when it's parked inside.  (Holy Horse Crap I miss my 20x50 garage...gotta get another one built next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)  
  After fixing all the small things... of which now first thing on the list is---remove tank and follow recommeded instructions by many AMC-Listers...clean that sucker out!!!...my plan was this winter to completely tear the engine down just to have a fresh start...and get rid of the 6 billion oil leaks.  
  This car is in amazing condition ...but I gotta say...he just kept pouring oil in it...of course all that oil slinging around didn't hurt it at all from a preservation point...its hard for anything to rust with oil on it...even the battery tray was perfect...that's certainly unusual.
       Well...enough of my "Rambling"...Just wanted some of you guys to know your responses weren't in vain.  It's certainly been a learning experience; and will continue to be, I am sure.
  And I cant remember who it was right now that sent the pics of the good gas..bad gas...gunked up valves....nasty looking fuel tank looking through the sending unit hole...but I dont think you need to apologize about being redundant or thorough.  Some of us really appreciate that.  I'm one who learns by doing and seeing...not like some by hearing and or reading.  I dont' process written words well at all...hearing words I process  a little better...seeing much better...and even a little more by doing.  So from one who can really appreciate illustrations...I thought your pics along with explanations of your experience was EXCELLENT!
  Hopefully, not to far in the distant future I can actually post an update that is more of a progress report more than a "help, I got in a hurry and really screwed up!"
  Thanx again guys!
  Duane Hacking
  Here's a pic of the Ambo just after getting back from Missouri and washing it just before pulling it into the garage.
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