Sacrificial anodes are as good as tea leaves in a car. In a previous post I put in a link that explains. In a nutshell, it works for marine and under ground pipe applications because the water and soil will pass current and complete the circuit. There's nothing but air around a car, so nothing to complete a circuit. To top that off, rubber tires are an excellent insulator! Notice that you haven't seen an electronic rust inhibitor for cars offered lately? Apparently there is a law against it (federal) because they physically can't work!!
On November 21, 2005 andrew hay wrote:
sacrificial anodes, usually zinc. marine guys know all about sacrificial anode systems! talk to a powerboat yard that does repair or construction.
another thought - wrap the nipple threads in teflon tape to try and insulate the iron from the aluminum manifold.
ps. that web site talks about rust protection - which doesn't work -
and doesn't mention cooling systems.
_____________________________________________________________________ ___
Andrew Hay the genius nature
internet rambler is to see what all have seen
adh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and think what none thought
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