I can study my ass off and earned a 3.8 in a college English class and within a year or two it fades away. My dad has the same problem. I can look at someone and you can tell me their name I can use the name, Write it down and link it to something so I can remember it and 9 chances out of 10 the next time I need that name it will not be there! I have similar problems with everyday names of household items. My dad has been the same way for years. I take heart in the fact that he seemed much the same as I am now when he was 40 and I don't see any signs of it getting worse. ---------------------------------------------- www.helicontherapeutics.com http://www.pbs.org/saf/1202/segments/1202-4.htm http://www.forbes.com/global/2002/0204/060_print.html ........take a Numer.........stand in line.........;) Brien. NEW YORK eagle registry #501 eagle kammback registry