From: farna@xxxxxxx Subject: Re: WORD (about HyBrids) To: mail@xxxxxxxxxxxx Hey, METHANE is the real answer! We all produce sewage, and then there's farm waste also. Tap the sewer/septic tank and compress the gas! ;> I don't think it smells when burned, just when vented to the atmosphere "raw". Actually, it's not that bad an idea. If there was money in it for big business they'd be all over it, but the oil industry and auto industry are to involved with each other for one to kick the other out of bed. The divorce could be nasty! --------------------- The NYBOT / NYSE boys predict another 15 on top of the $67.00 per bbl. Oil. Russian oil is 'capped' by the government who Tax $ 00.90 on the Dollar for anything above $34.00 per bbl. sold. This is stimulating their drillers to look for Natural Gas fields, but busts the incentive to produce enough crude to impact the market pricing. The 'Investors' who buy up the Oil Futures and keep the price per bbl. 'flying' want a $100.00 per bbl. pricing in before they let up > said as much on TV..........via the Brokerage interivews. That is $4.00 to $5.00 per gallon at the pump until new refineries are built > which if building began tomorrow, would be four to six years until it came on-line. I hear those old Dodge Daytona Turbo cars are good on gas........ Brien. NEW YORK eagle registry #501 eagle kammback registry