For you 8-track junkies, or people who want to trip out down memory lane, here is one of my favorite websites: And to hear a actual 8 track player changing KERPLUNK!!! click here: Worse ever 'change' between tracks? That is easy, on Machine Head, by Deep Purple, just as they start jamming on Highway Star, sound fades lower then KERPLUNK!!! then sound comes right back up. When crusing in Mondo's Pinto, ot Junior's Impala, or my Javelin this was always a good time to pass the reefer or pop open another Schlitz Malt Liquor baby bull." Enjoy the site above. Note that you can still buy 8 track tapes for about $1-$5 each at many garage sales, and in many times, new. These are great for your AMC display if you have a 8 track player in any of your 1967-78 AMC models. Eddie Stakes' Planet Houston AMX 713.464.8825 eddiestakes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --------------------------------------------------- **8 Tracks @! Mahn does THAT break thru the Phog........ Remember how the music would run jerkey just before you heard that 'Krinlkelling' sound as the Machine Ate the Tape ?........... and trying to yank the thing out with with three feet of tape spooling out of the Door while driving with your knees........ and telling the leggs next to you not to Break It > it'll be fine in a minute,.......... ? I do still have my Pride and Joy 'Ultimate 8-Track' made by Automatic Radio: - 4 channel 8 Track - with sliders for most everything - still *Mint* in my closet Display...... Found my box of 8 Track Tapes I'd left at a friends decades ago too. You'll find with old 8 Tracks, that the rubbber wheels that the tape rides across in the Tape Housing, degrade, eventually to Goo........ fear-not > I believe someone like Radio Shack has the replacement wheels available to keep your copy of 'Ten Years After' sailing smoothly across those Heads. Brien. NEW YORK eagle registry #501 eagle kammback registry