So, What is a 1965 Flood damaged 1965 990H Ambassador worth? I don't need another project, my fear is I'll get this car here and not have the nerve to use it for parts for my convertible. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Easy solution: Take two tow chains, hook one to the rear end of the 990H and the other to a Tree. Take the second chain, wrap it around the 990s' drivers door, hook the other end to a dump truck > rev the trucks engine and sidestep the clutch in second gear........ voila! Parts 990H! Seriously tho.......... I wouldn't swap the drum brakes into anything other than 'Clean Livin' Ed Stakes swamp > regardless of parts availability > drum brakes are dangerous which is why Detroit got rid of them. Last thing you'd want is a drum brake locking up & you're out tooling around with a lap belt on and the top down at speed. Brien. NEW YORK eagle registry #501 eagle kammback registry