Saturday I went to Miller Park in Milwaukee for the start of the Hot Rod Power tour. Lot of nice cars there including 10-15 AMC's. Bunch of AMX's, an Ambassador (which I missed put can be seen on Hot Rod's web site), Javelins, etc. Thanks Tim Eisenrich for the beer! Took a bunch of pictures of the AMC's but when I got home found out I didn't have my camera. Hope someone there finds it and can return it to me. Sunday I went to the Skip's Revisited Car Show/Swap Meet at the Lake County Fairgrounds in Gurnee, IL. Got a Edelbrock Torker for $100. Saw only one AMC in the car show and that was a SC/Rambler. Expected to see more AMC's from the Kenosha area there and at the Hot Rod Power Tour but it was graduation weekend in the Kenosha area plus another car show in Union Grove so maybe that was why the Kenosha turnout was low. Jock Jocewicz - President/Editor NAMDRA NAMDRA@xxxxxxxx 8537 Antioch Rd., Salem, WI 53168 (262) 843-4326 JOIN NAMDRA, the best AMC club around!!! '05 AMC NATIONALS - SEP. 15-17, 2005 CORDOVA DRAGWAY PARK AMO#19, NAMDRA#46, AMCRC#974, NHRA#41915, IHRA#6766