If you couldn't see yesterday's Conoco-Pacer photo, blame it on Edsel or on those who -don't- know who still count both Pacers as automotive jokes. (Those who -know- automotive history still might be doomed to repeat it, though.) 50 years ago American Motors was a new name among world car companies; 50 years ago, Korean motors began to play a new game. One's history; one's making history. One's gone; one's strong. Rambler's no Cheval. Or Sibal. Or a jerry-rigged Jeep. http://www.independence.or.kr/unisql/dispatcher/NEW/english/information/coll ection/collection_detail.htm?admin_id=5-001065-000 (Enlarge, click ahead and study Jeep-ness...) http://gsis.snu.ac.kr/studata/0208thesis_200023304hsjung.PDF (Scroll and start Korean study at page 21...) http://joongangdaily.joins.com/200505/31/200505312220339079900090509051.html http://english.kbs.co.kr/news/zoom/1343277_11781.html (If you ask, "Where's the AMC content?" study AMC history...) http://www.smotor.com/en/overview/history_3.jsp (Or, as they say, "If the shoe fits, wear it comfortably"...) http://www.motorshow.org/onroad/jeep/korando_family_modified0001.gif http://static.marktplaza.nl/images/1/Ssang-Yong-Korando-2-2-Diesel-813131.jp g http://auta5p.car.cz/katalog/ssangyong/korando_03.jpg 20 years ago, Pontiac sold almost a million vehicles: many times AMC's total; today, Pontiac sells as many as AMC had during its -best- years. Unless Pontiac (and Buick) can do what AMC tried but couldn't (to build a variety of different-looking vehicles from the same basic parts...), this http://www.1963pontiac.com/images/yourphotogallery/robinsbon/P0000017.jpg this http://www.fedrelandsvennen.no/amcar/brochures/misc/65ambassador/bilder/1.jp g this http://www.bambootrading.com/cars/c60-1.jpg and this http://faculty.concord.edu/chrisz/hobby/67-Amb-items/ConvertibleYellow/67-Am b-FLfrt.jpg could be cruising tomorrow's fading "forgotten-glory" collector-car roads. >> > <http://tinyurl.com/8cwkx> > 1961 Plymouth Asymmetrica That might be it. The one I saw was dark green and had a hard << Since the original question was "Dodge," I didn't mention that Plymouth, but, with the several built, it, too's a possibility, as PNW AMCers would know. Doug Daniels (of Oak Grove, OR) sometimes shows his Asimmetrica; any AMCer may have seen what arguably is the "best" one in "Ex-istence" [fun with words!] posing for occasional close-ups or long shots. http://www.pictureperfectcars.com/cars.html Sight of a green one in Europe http://img69.exs.cx/img69/1299/karr60b5rt.jpg (a semi-white one might be seen there also...) http://img69.exs.cx/img69/9934/karr60a4fk.jpg should help you Listory Detectives identify. FWIW, there, they may be only badged as "Ghia" FWIW, they might also be badged as a "Valiant" Finally FWIW, the creator of that famous "Maigret" owned an Asimmetrica: (he bought it right off the Geneva show floor, proving the powers of the written word http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B00006LPF0.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg although his Inspector drove a Citroen http://www.trussel.com/maig/foord6.htm and the powerful allure of unusually-styled Euro-American automobiles.) That fact takes us back to the "Forward" [Brien inscrutably forwarded]: Ian ("James Bond") Fleming ordered his Avanti after seeing only photos! Really finally FWIW, the "best" comparable auto which early AMC/Rambler showed is not the one which many American Motors fans may know. While the silver Bortz car is lovely, in green (despite wild interior), it's even lovelier. But don't take my word for it. Let your eyes decide. http://www.minipassionmini.50megs.com/rpmpassionsport/autosensueno/nashpalm. htm