I don't believe that will happen. IF Gasoline ever gets to $10 a gallon it will make ETHANOL the fuel of choice. It SHOULD have happened years ago. I used to work in a shop that specialized in Alky (Methanol) big block chevys. The engines ran VERY clean, no carbon like gas. Hard to start when cold, needed to give em a squirt of gas down the injectors some times. High octane, we ran 13 to one or more if we could. Didn't Kalifornia have an "Alky for the street" program a few years back? Wonder what happened to it? >Hmm, I wonder if my Matador Barcalounger will run on liquid hydrogen? Hmmm.... No Hydro today,,,,, but you CAN run on alky !!!!!!!!! But hey,,,, that's just ME! Bruce Hevner I live in the middle of alky land, Minnesota. Within a 30 mile drive of my home you can find no less than 4 ethanol plants. Don't kid yourself people, I hate to say this but so far ethanol is not the answer. You should see the fuel bill that an ethanol plant has to pay to heat the mash and distill the alky. They burn coal and natural gas like it's never going to run out. How much diesel do you think a farmer burns in his tractor to grow that corn to make ethanol from. I'm still not convinced that ethanol is the answer. Yeah it's true it makes money for a lot of people but is it really any more fossil fuel saving that petroleum? Some of the diesels are beginning to burn diesel fuel supplemented with soybean oil. That will help bring things more into perspective. Until they start burning the by products of ethanol to heat the cook, or don't use petroleum based fuels in the process of ethanol it truly is not conservation, it's just another way of making jobs for people, which is good but........... AMC content: I worked most of the day on the Javelin. Tore down the front right side suspension and abrasive blasted the parts, bought a quart of epoxy primer and will have to shoot the parts pretty soon. Paint store guy said I could apply the color coat up to 3 days later and not have to rough up the primer to get the color to stick. I invested in almost all new parts for the front end. The only part I didn't get was new upper and lower control arms. I don't think lowers are available but American Parts Depot sells all new upper control arms with bushings installed for $99. Doug may have told me that the ball joint comes installed also I can't remember. Anyway I went through a lot of work blasting the rust off the cars originals, pressing bushings out and in and if I had known earlier that new ones are available, I would have probably went that route. I rassled the sway bar out from under the car too, that was fun, had to cut the link off on the driver side, got a new link kit for it too. I would really like to go the whole distance with the underside but that will have to wait till next year, or when I pull the 304 and stuff the 401 in. I want to drive the car this summer!!! Armand