Europe is and has been ahead of USA in alternate fuels for at least a decade or more. I researched some of their material online > huge LNG organization world wide with meets > rallies etc. Canada has for decades run their Cab Fleet and Police Fleets on LNG or LPG. Sleeger Inc. is the main manufacturer for LNG / LPG automotive fuel tanks. The above URL will show you the missing link as to LNG / LPG and EFI / current EFI systems conversions. Bookmark the site - as I believe you'll be looking for it in the Future. Canada has Massive LNG reserves > need a pipeline to the USA > no one is talking that yet > discourse is about LNG Ocean Terminals that need to be built etc. > and new Refineries on former Military Bases > not a bad idea but will be at least a decade away. Of course there is the solution to it all as you see Pres. Bush stressing constantly : The WildLife Preserve deposits he is certain that is the overall answer > as is destabilizing Social Security > two Historic and documented far right Republican Holy Grails since inceptions. God I love Honest Men > ....... I hope he runs for a 3rd Term so I can vote for him at least once.