" From: <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxx> " " I have a question. What is the intended operating pressure of a 1973 Hornet six cylinder power steering box? I used a Wrangler pressure relief valve in a XJ Cherokee pump which gives me about 900 PSI IIRC. Will this blow the seals in the 1973 box??? I can add a shim to drop presure,but the feel of the steering seems about right. It's not nearly as light/touchy as the 1969 setup was. " " Mark Price from my '66 01 tsm -- NOTE: the oil pressure should be approximately 850 to 950 p.s.i. on the slipper-type pump. so it sounds like you won't blow any seals on the gear. ________________________________________________________________________ Andrew Hay the genius nature internet rambler is to see what all have seen adh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and think what none thought