Well this has been a sloooow winter for project car work, but last weekend we packed up the Rambler ('63 Classic wagon) with camping gear and dogs and did a big loop through Death Valley from here in Los Angeles.
The weather turned crappy Friday we left, cold and rainy, but tired of getting plans cancelled all winter from weekend rain we pressed onwards.
I5, 14, town of Mojave, then Randsburg Road after fuelling up (LPG) at the Jawbone Canyon store. Great drive; after the freeways, it's all 45 - 60 mph two lane roads. Rambler ran great (as always) though the vacuum wiper motor crawled slower and slower over the whole trip... no booster pump either.
Took 178 from Ridgecrest up through the Panamint Valley. The 232 and little air-cooled trans is a fine setup, but it reaches it's limit on 9% grades (Panamint to Stovepipe Wells in Death Valley proper) loaded with gear. No heat problems this time of year -- it was in the 60's, late afternoon. The minivans and plague of pushy SUVs had to wait as I crawled the grade in 2nd at 45, tough crap, you're on vacation, slow down anyways!
Of course all of LA is doing what we're doing -- March/April is "on-season" for Death Valley (it's 110 - 120F in July) -- checking out the unbelievable flower situation, 6" of rain so far when the average is 2" per year. It's pretty spectacular, seeds laying there for decades waiting for a big soak. Ended up camping next to $100K RVs, half of 'em running stupid generators (why don't they use batteries and inverters?!)
Rambler sleeps two, plus dogs, just fine. Lots of comments and walk-bys, it was the oldest vehicle in the place by a good 25 years.
Got pretty warm (70F) at sea-level, which is most of the valley, but cold (50's) at a few K feet. Drove around Scotty's Castle, S. through Badwater, and took the 40 mile dirt road to the W. of the main valley road (178?). No crowds there!
Saturday night we stayed in Tecopa Hot Springs, the once-Municipal hot springs on the side of the road are now managed by a profit-making business, apparently to the dismay of the locals. Pretty nice, though the surrounding salt lake (dry) is dusty and windy, and the locals have tended to use the edges of it as a dump.
Next, drove through Baker (route 127) after a 50-mile wrong-turn down Old Spanish Trail Highway, I15 to Los Angeles.
Rambler ran perfectly, as always, other than the ninth life of the much-massaged wiper motor slowly expiring.