Ok..... just to understand the parameters #6 suggests: If someone on the List posted their personal beliefs held that Barts' Lawn Ornament was a long brown Turd in the grass - - would that to be seen by the Moderators as descriptive and to the Point Assessment of a G'iven' ? Brien. NEW YORK eagle registry #501 eagle kammback registry Ruuuh Rooooh,sounds like sombody misses being a member of my 'BaadAssGremlins' group now nooow Brien,stop with all this'playuh hatin'aighty!! you just keep wrenchin away on your 4x4 turbo 15 to 1 comp 4000 hp Eagle Kaaaaaammback I666 with your naked lady mud flaps and your dingleberrys with your flea market special 8 track player blaring Blondies'Heart Of Glass' through your K mart special 6X9's Bart M. 73 Gremlin 360/T10